Thursday, March 27, 2008

January 2008!!!

This was more a month for doing things with friends. On the 3rd, Julie, our head teacher, invited us up for a day in Oxford to show me around. Miri, Sharon, and I went up to hang out. We walked around Christ's Church College, one of the colleges of Oxford University. We went out for lunch and then met back up with Julie. We walked around some more, shopping along the way. They took me by this enclosed bridge that was built in a Viennese style. The bridge was by a special library that you have to sign in to enter, use gloves, and see REALLY OLD books. Then we went by a book store that looked small and cute from the front, but was enormous once you got inside. We ended the day by having a fantastic home-cooked dinner at Julie's house. She is a fab cook! Had my 1st sticky toffee pudding (dessert)...YUM!!!!!
Thurs. 10th known as Black Thursday. Needless to say there was a big incident at school, followed by a night at Emma's house in Bath without calling home..., followed by being met by the police when I got home Saturday morning as I was officially identified as a "missing person". It's humorous now...not so much at the time. The police work fast over here...mostly I'm sure due to a few major cases of murdered women from Nov. 5th (Guy Fawkes Day) to a week before the 10th. Oh, well.
I went to Kay's house for dinner and an Open House party on the 12th. She was finally back into her home after a year of repairing it from a house fire.
The 15th saw me having dinner with David and Cherry in Corsham. What a cute village! I can't wait to take Mom there. I had an eventful drive there, as it had been raining a ton! I saw 2 cars off to the side of the road and figured they here having car problems or an accident. They must have been locals because they knew that the road was flooded there!! Not figuring it out in time, I had to power through one point I couldn't even go through the shallow part because there was a huge lorry coming at me! Phew! I was sooooooooooooo glad to have made it through!
I went to Pershore to spend the weekend with Susan at her flat. Pershore was a cute little town, but my favorite part was the "Elderly People" crossing sign. No, I am not making it up! It even had a picture of 2 hunched over people at the top! LOLOLOLOLOL!!!!! On the Saturday, we went into Birmingham to go to the Birmingham vs. Chelsea football match (that's soccer for you Yanks!). Chelsea won, of course, 2 - 1.
The school has just adopted a phonics program. It followed shortly after a report that 1 in 5 primary aged kids leave school reading below standard. Interestingly enough, if you trained to teach at the junior level (2nd -5th grade), you only get trained in lit. units. Likewise, the infant teachers (pre-k to 1st) only get trained in beginning reading strategy. Consequently, the junior teachers are a little freaked out about teaching phonics when they haven't really been trained in it. This is where I come in...I told Emma I would help her and word got out. I started having mini phonic lessons and sharing ideas that I've done back in Caly. Now I have 3 other teachers bought in and we are grouping our kids and running phonics sets. I have the really low kids...most of these struggle between letter and sound, and which letter says what sound. The high group is doing prefix/suffix/root work on meanings, etc. It's really exciting! My group is really coming along. We are doing flashcards (the SIPPs way) and making words. The other teachers and I are noticing the kids really using their new knowledge all day long. One of my kids (the one that can't even put the alphabet in order), is reading better, using sounds, and talking about the sounds she hears in words. Very cool!
24th - I went to another panto. This one was in Miri's village of Broad Hinton. It was cute, but I wasn't feeling well a bit lightheaded during the longer 2nd half. But was much better but the 26th, when I went to Bath to go out clubbing with Emma, Becky, and Eleanor. Quite a fun night...saw a guy climbing a wall like Spiderman and then talked to 2 Italian guys while eating a kabab.
I ended the month teaching a writing lesson with Julie. We had a writing training the night before. I LOVE this style of teaching writing! Even my really low writers are finding success and aren't overwhelmed when faced with a blank paper. It's not as overwhelming for me either. Love it!!!!

Tate Modern

New Year's Eve

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Christmas Pics

December in England!!!

This is my 3rd go, so I hope it works this time! December is crazy over here too! I didn't have the decorating to do or loads of shopping, but it was still insane. To add to it all, I was battling with a cold all month that progressed into 3 things: a cold, bronchitis, and tracheitis (got honey and ice cream for that one...). I was all better by 27th December. Yeah! OK! Here goes...

Nov. 23-24 - Christmas actually started on Nov. 23rd and 24th with the Christmas lantern festivals in Devizes and Calne. I walked in the parade with Lynne Davies' family and then had dinner at her house. Then on the 24th, after watching the parade, I walked through town and ended in a church singing carols while drinking mulled wine. Yum! What a lovely idea on a cold night. Both parades ended with Father Christmas lighting the town Christmas tree in the town centres. What fun nights!

1st - synchro swimming competition in Gloucester for Alice, my friend's daughter. I went to ASDA (Walmart) for the first time and bought too much, including a fake fiber optic tree that never did work quite right.

6th - I went to the Christmas Market with Emma and Eleanor. It was raining and there was an intense windy, but we persevered and had a brilliant time. It was fun shopping at the outdoor stalls decorated for Christmas. If you saw my Christmas card, then you know what it looked like. The Abbey was beautiful at night.

7th - "Staff do" at the Chippenham Golf Club. It was a very posh night with a fab dinner and dancing! Julie, the head, even bought everyone a drink! Yum!

9th - David and Cherry took me out to dinner and to see Handel's Messiah at the Bath Theater Royal. It is one of the oldest working theatres in the UK. It sure was beautiful and an amazing treat. What a brilliant night!!

11th - School Christmas dinner - The school dinner ladies made a lovely Christmas dinner. (Thanksgiving dinner for you Americans out there...) Each plate had a Christmas cracker (a tube that pops when you pull the ends with a paper crown, a cheesy joke, and a toy inside). The music was ear-splittingly loud, and we even got a ice cream for dessert.

15th - I went back to Westonbirt Arboretum for their Enchanted Christmas with Sharon, the deputy head. They had a jazz band playing carols and roasted chestnuts, then you got to walk through the woods that were all lit up...cold, but fun!

17th - Finally went to the doctor's and was diagnosed...We also spent the next 3 days performing a Christmas play about old prophet waiting for the baby to come. Each class across the nation is expected to participate in a show. It's a pretty cool tradition, but a little extra stress at Christmas.

19th - class party...ask me for the scoop...

20th - The Junior kids (2nd -5th grades) went to the panto Cinderella. It's a loud interactive and often irreverent play with man who dresses like a girl somewhere in it. This one had 2...wait for it...the ugly step-sisters! The closest we come to this in the States that I've seen in the Magic Circle theater in Roseville for the school shows. It was a lot of fun, but a really late night, so Emma spent the night at my house. Oh, I almost forgot...the fairy Godmother was played by Britt Eckland (SP?) an ex-James Bond girl...still pretty! Ask me sometime about the
places we had to walk by...

24rd - 27th - The next set of day was a whirlwind of friends. Everyone over here was worried that I didn't have family over here, so they all jumped in. I think they were more worried than I was about it. Christmas Eve was at Jan's house with several other school friends and kids. Christmas day...I woke up late, made American stuffing for dinner, went to Miri's for dinner and games, oh and found out that I wasn't quite over being ill yet. I stayed home on Boxing Day and opened my presents and cards, even though Kay invited me over. I needed a day at home to
rest. The 27th, I went to Lynne's house, chatted, and watched her twin boys play with their new toys. I had a fabulous time with everyone and loved meeting all their families! It was an amazing Christmas whirlwind!

30th - I went to London to stay with Rachelle. Susan came too...We spent today touring Henry VIII's palace...Hampton Court...huge and beautiful! That night we ordered in a will never be the same. LOL!!! I am in love with chicken korma! YUM!!!!
31st - We went to the Tate and Tate Modern museums today. The Tate Modern has a giant spider sculpture that you can walk under and a huge crack in the floor...yes, a real one. They actually have signs that say that the crack is real and to take care not to fall in. =) After dinner, we walked down to Big Ben and sat across the River Thames from the London Eye. We got there at 7ish. At 9:30, they made us stand up for health and safety. It was all worth it in the end. We
had the best seats in the house as the fireworks shoot off and around the London Eye with Big Ben bonging in the background. It was literally a once in a lifetime experience. I wouldn't go again even if I lived here, but I am SUPER glad that I went this time. They advertised that all public transport would be free from 11-2 am. Unfortunately, they didn't have any buses near the Eye running, and there was only 1 tube station open. We walked through the streets of London for 2 1/2 hours with 50,000 other people after standing for several hours before we finally got a
bus to a tube station, only to find out that that tube station was closed as well and we had to hire a cab. UGH!! Like I said...a once in a lifetime event!

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Thanksgiving at Lyneham Primary

It all started way back in September when I found out that the head teacher wanted cross-curricular activites for reception(pre-k) - year 6 (5th grade). Scary!!! I wrote to all the teachers in Dry Creek asking for help and files. They were very helpful, but most of the stuff was for reception - year 2. Then I surfed the net endlessly until I gathered enough information or websites for the teachers to use for planning. Next I was asked to figure out the paper order for the school to complete the painted hand turkey and the thankful turkey, and the cost of the food for the whole school. The office staff was great! They were really helpful and never said that I couldn't have anything I asked for. Pauline even went into Wooten Bassett and bought the corn meal for corn bread. They eat a lot of sweet corn (yellow corn), but cornmeal is very hard to come by...who knew?? Anyway, every thing was ordered and set to go. I put the sign-up sheet for the teacher potluck up, and Pauline agreed to make the turkey! The stuffing is different over here, so I made American stuffing...I had to cube the bread first! It was a major hit though. I was asked to make it again at the teachers' Christmas potluck and Christmas dinner at Miri's house. I think I started a trend. They all wanted the recipe! It was yummy! Once everything was set, Kate wrote a risk assessment. We needed to show that we had thought of any injury the kids might come to in the prep and eating of the food...even that the micro popcorn might have scalding steam when the bags were opened.
The actual day started off with an assembly led by first one. I talked a bit about the history of the holiday. Thank God for teaching "Squanto" for the last several years. Then I shared a movie that I made from my trip to Plymouth and Cape Cod last year. The hall was absolutely silent. I have no idea what I did or said, maybe it was the accent, but they were all very intrigued with the story. Then we went to work on our projects we were going to work on with other grade levels. My group had decided to make totem pole...I know wrong tribe, but that's what they wanted to do. They turned out really cool...about 5 feet tall with each class's bird at the top. The year 6's did a great job on the tops. After lunch, we had our parties. There were our 6 classes having a feast in the school hall...180+ kids squeezed in. We had veg soup, corn muffins, apple muffins, rolls, homemade butter (which didn't really make it around before the rolls were gone, oh, well!), and sparkling fruit juice. Then there were 4 classes having popcorn and playing games that they had made up based on the path of the Mayflower...they were made by 2nd graders for reception kids. Wow!! The last 4 classes had muffins and did various mixed grade activities. One class did a reader's theater of the feast. Another class drew giant posters of the Mayflower...I'm not sure what the other 2 classes did though. All the classes did a great job and had a super time! They all wanted to know when they would be able to do it again! Year 4 continued to study the Thanksgiving story. We read "If You Sailed on the Mayflower in 1620," then made big posters of what we learned. My class researched various parts of the story from both the Pilgrim and Wampanoag sides and designed a Publisher page with pictures and text. Ann's class drew and watercolored 12x18" pictures of the Mayflower. They were so amazing that I'm bringing color copies of them home! What a great week!