Sunday, November 25, 2007

Chedworth Roman Villa and Stratford

On 10th Nov., I drove through the Cotswolds - beautiful - and got to this 3rd century Roman villa. They think it was either a farm or a religious pilgrimage destination. There is evidence for both. They are fairly certain that the residents were Britons that followed Roman traditions, including Roman baths/sauna/hot tubs with mosaic tiled floors. Since the villa is at the top of a valley, the dirt from the surrounding hills just covered up the villa until it was unearthed in the 1860's. The Victorian English, excavated as much as they could and did some minor repairs. It was amazing to travel back in time and drive through the beautiful countryside.

15th Nov., school was closed due to the builders cutting the main power to our building! The kids had it off, but we went in to help at the Nest (name of the Infant's building - pre-k - 1) and then to work on our assessments.

16th Nov. saw me driving through the Cotswolds again, but to a different destination. I was off to Stratford upon Avon, Shakespeare's birthplace. Friday night, Dan and family, Susan, and I met up for dinner at The Dirty Duck, originally named The Black Swan, but dubbed The Dirty Duck by American sailors in WWII. It was a fabulous evening and I was glad to get there. My gps sent me to Warwick (war-ick), instead of Warwick Road in Stratford. Luckily, it was just up the road, so I easily found it. However, my gps wanted me to drive from Warwick up to the top of Scotland, take the ferry to Belfast, and drive down to somewhere just above Dublin named Warwick Road. Boy was I glad that I can use my brain! Saturday morning I took the red bus tour around town, then met Dan, Torie, and Maria (the fam) for lunch. Dan and I went to see Henry V, while Torie and Maria went swimming. Henry V is a bit heavy for a 6 year old. =) Great play! I walked about town after the play, tried to see Shakespeare's grave, but there was a rehearsal happening in the church, so couldn't get up there...Oh, well. The four of us met up for dinner and then chit chatted over a bottle of wine and hot cocoa back at their hotel. Great company and conversation! The next morning, I drove about seeing 3 of the Shakespeare homes...his birthplace and museum, his wife's home before marriage, and his mom's home/farm. His wife's home (Anne Hathaway) had huge gardens. It must be stunning in spring/summer. His mom's farm has ancient breeds of farm animals and a falconry area...very cool. One of the best parts though was a window at his birthplace. It has been removed from the original place, parent's bedroom, to protect it. Hundreds of people came and carved their name in it...famous writers...very cool! Cold is how I would describe the day though...and raining. On the way home, as I was driving back through the Cotswolds, it started to snow! It was sooooooooooo pretty! Well, back to school and gearing up for Thanksgiving!


Janell said...

Hey Christy,

Happy (late) Thanksgiving!

I enjoyed reading about all your adventures in the past couple of months. So fun!


sbhowder said...

Keep taking good notes of all the sites so I can retrace your steps when I get there! I'm sooo glad you are making the most of this experience...but then I wouldn't expect less from you! Love, Mom